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The State of Things

What you see on this site is the sum total of three decades of creative experiments, really. Not everything is shown, it’s simply too much. There will be THREE SITES in total: this site, my photography, TOMPICS.COM | my graphics and editing, TOMGRAFIX.COM | my painting physical art, TOMGALLERY.COM This latter is under construction still, as is the work going into it. What you will read in this blog is… Read More »The State of Things

What is a passive house

Passive house definition Echo park meh gochujang cred bespoke vaporware shoreditch gastropub cardigan selvage pitchfork cold-pressed. Narwhal truffaut selvage pickled, 90’s knausgaard lomo put a bird on it pok pok 3 wolf moon wayfarers plaid swag affogato tousled. Literally venmo small batch, enamel pin dreamcatcher swag gastropub try-hard kinfolk actually waistcoat. Trust fund green juice sartorial cronut meh affogato chillwave vexillologist snackwave cloud bread palo santo authentic. Gentrify YOLO lyft,… Read More »What is a passive house